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Agave Maria’s possible donor receives new agave from Public Gardens

Elise Doane believes she previously owned the Hali-famous Agave Maria

3 min read
caption Elise Doane poses with her new agave plant at the greenhouses near the Public Gardens.
Carly Churchill

Elise Doane didn’t receive one of the Agave seeds when they were given out to the public in January, but on Friday she got something just as exciting: a new agave plant.

“I’m thrilled; I’m absolutely thrilled,” she said, as she mused over baby Agaves in the garden greenhouse.

She got her first agave when she her husband went to the Virgin Islands on vacation.

“I saw this dear little plant … and I thought ‘I’d like to take that home,” she laughed as she retold the story.

caption A picture of Doane’s first agave, taken shortly before it was donated to the Public Gardens.
Carly Churchill

The day the seeds were given out more than 200 people waited in the cold for hours, including Doane, but only 50 people got one.

The agave, nicknamed Agave Maria, became popular over the summer of 2018. After a cold winter and spring, it was thought the plant was dying, and wouldn’t bloom. In the summer, however, it managed to achieve full bloom.

caption Elise Doane posed with the Halifax agave when it was in bloom in 2018. She believes she may have donated it 30 years ago.
Submitted by Elise Doane.

Doane thinks she may have been Agave Maria’s original owner. She donated her agave to the Public Gardens 30 years ago after it became too big for her to care for. The Public Gardens doesn’t keep donation records, however, so she couldn’t be entirely sure.

caption The baby agave that Elise Doane received on Friday.
Carly Churchill

An agave only blooms once in its lifetime and Doane’s won’t anytime soon.

“I may have to bring it back to the gardens when I’m gone,” Doane joked.

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