This article is more than 9 years old.

Performing arts

Circus performance honours the work of ‘magical unicorn’ David Bowie

‘Bowie was a magical unicorn’ says Caitlan Anthony, local performer

2 min read
caption Mike MacDougall of the Jugglin Bubblers creates a large bubble on stage during a dress rehearsal of 2016: A Space Oddity.
Kathleen Napier
Mike MacDougall of the Jugglin Bubblers creates a large bubble on stage during a dress rehearsal of 2016: A Space Oddity.
caption Mike MacDougall of the Jugglin Bubblers creates a large bubble on stage during a dress rehearsal of 2016: A Space Oddity.
Kathleen Napier

For Caitlan Anthony, David Bowie’s songs are a circus performer’s dream.  

She says the pair go together incredibly well.

“We all love glitter. We love bright colours. We love being weird and he embodies all of those things,” says Anthony.

Tonight Scout Camp and Halifax Circus will pay tribute to David Bowie with 2016: A Space Oddity.

The show will cover Bowie’s life’s work. DJ Scout, will narrate the story and live-mix Bowie songs on stage as artists perform trapeze, aerial silks and floor acts.

“David Bowie was a magical unicorn of a performer,” says Anthony, the show’s director. “There’s so much opportunity to play with the lyrics in his songs and kind of make gender-bender iterations of his actual performance and what he wore.”

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The money raised from ticket sales will help fund the group’s trip to Costa Rica to perform in a music festival.

The group will take to the stage tonight at Halifax Circus, in the basement of St. Matthew’s United Church on Barrington Street. The show starts at 8 p.m.. Tickets are still available online.

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Kathleen Napier

Kathleen Napier is currently completing her Master of Journalism (Data and Investigative) at the University of King’s College in Halifax. Special...

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