
Google Maps

Go to Google Maps and log in (use your own account or the Signal Editor Google account. Get password).

  1. Click on the hamburger menu & choose “Your Places” -> Maps -> Create Map
  2. Fill out a title and description for your map
  3. Fill out a title and description for the first layer you want to work on
  4. Then create placemarks and shapes to build your map content. Add text and images. Change colours and icons, as needed.
    Note: you can only insert images that are already online (and have a URL). So feel free to use the image uploader within WordPress. Get the URL of the image by clicking on the image in the Media Library
  5. When you’re done, make your map public by sharing it
  6. Click the settings icon in the map info and choose “Embed on my site”
  7. Re-set the framing of the map, if necessary: “Set Default View” in the map settings.
  8. Copy the embed code and paste it into your WordPress story.
  9. Change the size attributes — it should be : width = 100% (so it scales for mobile) x height= 400.



Consider using the KnightLab tool StoryMap for telling geo-based stories. There’s an example in the National Post story Anatomy of a car crash: In the 11 minutes before a deadly crash, the distracted young driver sent and received 12 texts (Nov. 24, 2016)


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The Signal is produced by senior students at the University of King’s College School of Journalism, Writing & Publishing.

University of King's College