This article is more than 8 years old.


Podcast: Turning taste buds into sound bites: food and Halifax

Grab some snacks as King's journalism students explore munchies around the city

Lara Lewis and Seth Earle discuss traditional cooking in the King's radio room. Follow along on Instagram @signalradiohalifax.
caption Lara Lewis and Seth Earle discuss traditional cooking in the King’s radio room. Follow along on Instagram @signalradiohalifax.
Mathew Kahansky

The fourth podcast episode of The Signal’s Radio Workshop is available online Nov. 29. Hosts Seth Earle and Diana Foxall explore culinary captivations with the rest of the radio broadcast bunch.

Allie Conway explores some cafes to find out what makes the perfect pour for a little (or a lot of) latte.

Robert Crossley gets King’s students to dish the details about their favourite meals back home.

Nzingha Millar covers how Haligonian households celebrate their family feasts every Sunday.

Lara Lewis catches up with exchange student Margaret Zuo on connecting with her culture through cooking.

Josh Healey speaks with the former chef of a Saudi Arabian prince, who is now serving dishes of his own design in the North End.

Finally, Peter Topshee is joined by a few courageous classmates to take a hot-wing eating challenge. Spoiler alert: there is never enough milk.

This week’s show was produced by Luke MacDonald and Lara Lewis, and edited by Dylan Cunningham.

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