Ecology Action Centre
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Skip page 1.Valentines protest Sandy Lake development
Ecology Action Centre sends tough love to decision makers over proposed subdivision
Lack of info on development leaves Sandy Lake waters unclear
Environmentalists, ex-MLA question Special Planning Area in Bedford
Fast-tracked development in Bedford raises environmental concerns
Environment advocates say proposed development threatens an ecologically important path for wildlife
Nova Scotia’s Climate Action Plan ‘starting point’ for the province
Environment Minister Timothy Halman optimistic that province is on track
Why the Halifax bike lane network is delayed
HRM predicts 70% of the network will be done by 2024
Savage pushes power of cities in taking climate action at COP27
Mayor travels to Egypt representing Canadian municipalities and showcasing Halifax’s work against climate change
Trenton coal plant unit will stay open for another year
Nova Scotia Power says it needs reliable replacement electricity before the polluting unit can close