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Skip page 1.Millbrook First Nation partners with rail company for inland shipping terminal
Planners hope facility will increase efficiency and alleviate traffic congestion in downtown Halifax
HRM committee suggests changes to taxi bylaw to compete with rideshare services
Amendments would remove outdated requirements for taxi licences
Labour, weather, vaccine issues add to supply shortages
Local shop owner feels impact of supply chain backups; trucking industry members chime in
Free rides available to COVID-19 testing sites in Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Health can arrange taxis with “enhanced cleaning procedures” for those without cars
Halifax regional council finds common ground after voicing their priorities
A focus on the environment was well received, but councillors point to other areas in need of attention
Low ridership forces cuts to Maritime Bus pilot project
Bus service connecting Lunenburg and Halifax down to a daily trip
Ridership up on transit around the HRM
New routes, Access-A-Bus contributing factors to increase in service