Taxidermy still life, the muse of the night
A collection of taxidermy turns to be a sociable drawing occasion

The fox was the main animal drawn by the attendees.
The fox was the main attraction.Arts, immortality and creative minds converged at this relaxed drawing session — starring dead animals.
Around 20 people showed up at the The Foggy Goggle on Tuesday evening to capture the shapes and colours of a collection of taxidermy.
The event was organized by The East Coast Creative Collective (E3C) — a group committed to fostering a fellowship within Halifax’s visual artist community through monthly events.
Alison Knott, founder of the E3C, called the event “a treat” for artists who want to draw animals.
¨These events are a chance to hang out with artists and creative people and just be yourself,” she said.
Pencils rustled against paper and laughs echoed through the room. Meanwhile, an inanimate fox, an owl, a couple of birds and a reptile all posed for the enthusiastic group of attendees.
Cassie Seaboyer, a NSCAD University student, was one of them.
“This event is intimate,” she said. “You have to snuggle with everyone to draw these dead animals and you are showing off your art.”
Paper and pencils were not the only tools used to create art. Andrew Burke is a software developer and an artist who was working on an iPad Pro.
“What I tend to do is take a picture of something and then I use that as a foundation for building on top,” he said. “I try to use all the technology I can to actually make something interesting.”
All the details about the E3C meetings are available at:
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