This article is more than 6 years old.


The Signal radio show: cancer, soccer and poop

Plus, new restrictions to e-cigarette advertisements proposed by Health Canada

The Halifax Regional Municipality currently does not compost dog poop. HRM’s Deputy Mayor Tony Mancini has asked municipal staff to investigate alternate ways to dispose of dog waste.

Lisa Olie was diagnosed with breast cancer almost a year ago. She shares her difficult experiences of seeking treatment without access to a family doctor.

For the past three years, seniors have been going to the BMO Soccer Centre to play walking soccer. The sport is a hit and it could grow in Nova Scotia.

Health Canada is proposing new restrictions to e-cigarette advertisements in an effort to prevent youth from vaping. What does this mean for vaping shops in Halifax?

Our feature interview is with Rhonda Fetterley, a park technologist in Waterloo, Ont. She talks about how the City of Waterloo has been composting dog and cat feces.

We go back 50 years to explain how students at the University of King’s College saved the school.

Sesame Street also began 50 years ago. We look at the impact it has had on children.

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