Vinyl record sales still climbing, says StatsCan

Vinyl fans say listening experience is more 'ritualistic,' 'secure'

3 min read
hand flicking through records
caption Vinyl record sales in Canada saw 34 per cent growth in sales in 2023, a larger increase than in streaming.
Olivia Piercey

Records and other physical media sales in Canada grew by 34 per cent from 2021 to 2023, according to data by Statistics Canada released last week.

Tom Spence, owner of Renegade Records in Dartmouth, said he’s witnessed this trend in his shop.

“We see entire families come,” he said. “As well as people who got rid of their collection in the ‘90s and now want to buy it back.”

Vinyl sales made a comeback in 2021, when it became the largest sales category after streaming. In 2023, it was the only other growing category of music recordings, making up 13 per cent of all music sales in Canada.

The cost of a new vinyl record ranges from $25 to $50. Used records can cost less, depending on their condition and whether they are collectors’ items.

person holding records in front of a record player
caption Dd Beaumont says listening to physical recordings of music lets her listen to older music on the technology it was made for.
Olivia Piercey

Streaming platforms made up 79 per cent of Canada’s music sales in 2023, according to Statistics Canada. But despite millions of songs being available at the push of a button on streaming, some Haligonians want to own their favourite music.

“I think it’s more of a sort of a ritualistic experience,” said Spence. “You’re not apt to switch to the next song or let the algorithm decide what you should listen to.”

Halifax resident Dd Beaumont started collecting records, CDs and tapes over the past year. She said it makes listening to music feel intentional.

“I really like having limited options,” she said. “I find that I pay more attention to what I’m listening to.”

Physical music recordings sometimes come with posters or artwork, she said, which is not included with streaming platforms.

While Beaumont listens to music on streaming as well, she said when she thinks about the fickleness of the internet, she is comforted by her collection.

According to Pew Research Centre, a quarter of web pages created between 2013 and 2023 can no longer be accessed.

“Part of the reason why I like this so much is the idea of actually possessing a physical copy of something, it feels more secure,” she said.

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Olivia Piercey

Olivia Piercey is a fourth year journalism honours student. When not working for The Signal, she can found hosting The Basement Couch on CKDU,...

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