WATCH: Stories about smoke, survival and the Halifax Explosion
The Signal was live on the 100th anniversary of the Halifax Explosion

A current chalice, and one melted in the fire caused by the Explosion at the original St. Mark's Church.Live from the Wardroom at University of King’s College, Bethanee Diamond and Ross Anderson host the last Signal livestream of 2017.
On the 100th anniversary of the Halifax Explosion, Silas Brown goes to the memorial service at Fort Needham park.
Yuqian Li talks to Chinese students who are worried about scam artists who stage fake kidnappings making their way to Halifax. Related stories
A Dalhousie student had a near death experience, and is now using music to help people overcome mental illness. Karli Zschonger hear’s their story.
Quitting smoking is hard. Tundé Balogun looks into vaping as an alternative to going cold turkey.
Lothian Taylor explores the retail phenomenon of Halifax pop-up stores.
The HRM’s Maronite Catholic community is building a new church in Fairview. Patrick Laba went to check it out.
Silas Brown caps off the livestream at St. Mark’s Parish, a church with some interesting artifacts from the Halifax Explosion.