About Terms of Service

Terms of Service is the work of the students in the Investigative Workshop at the University of King’s College. The students worked on the package full time from the middle of February to the end of March. Somewhere in the middle of that time frame, the Guardian and New York Times dropped their exposés on Cambridge Analytica. Suddenly a story we thought wasn’t getting the attention it deserved was getting all the attention in the world. The narrative seemed to advance every day, lawmakers called key players before parliamentary and congressional committees and Christopher Wylie became a household name.
It made for an interesting ride, to say the least.
The team pictured above and below is one of the best I have worked with in the decade I’ve been running this workshop, talented, courageous and really hard working. I am proud of them all.
Yesterday, they graduated from King’s, heading out into today’s uncertain but exciting world of journalism. Today, we publish the first of two parts of their story, in partnership with the Walrus.
A little graduation present that, oh yeah, you guys made. Congratulations, and thank you.
Fred Vallance-Jones
June 1, 2018
Front row: Will Gordon, Aviva Jacob (researcher)
Second row: Leah Wooley, Olivia Lavery (visuals editor/photographer), Fadila Chater, Grace Power (visuals editor)
Third row: Heather Norman (web editor), Taryn Grant (deputy editor), Bethanee Diamond (coordinating editor), Cory Funk, Lama El Azrak
Back row: Fred Vallance-Jones (instructor and editor-in-chief), Hannah Daley (coordinating editor), Nicholas Frew