Halifax Transit to propose 25-cent fare increase
Halifax Regional Council considers bus system cuts; hike would generate about $850,000

Transit users might soon have to dig a little deeper for bus fare.Halifax Transit is set to propose a 25-cent increase to bus fares at the city’s budget meeting on March 1, saying the new fare should generate $847,848 in revenue over the next year.
If approved by Halifax Regional Council, adult transit fares would increase to $3 from $2.75, while youth and senior fares would increase to $2.25 from $2. Prices for bulk tickets, monthly passes and Upass, or university student passes, will also increase.
The increase would bring Halifax fares level with London, Ont. and be higher than Victoria, B.C., two cities with comparable populations.
Currently, Halifax transit fares are in between these cities. In London, adults pay $3 and in Victoria, they pay $2.50.
Halifax Transit declined comment on the possible increase until after the presentation at the budget committee meeting. After the presentation, members of the public and councillors will have a chance to weigh in on the proposal.
Council is also proposing to cut back on transit route services from February to August and possibly suspend some routes permanently. The first transit service cuts are to begin on Feb. 27.
Halifax Transit’s proposal adds the Moving Forward Together Plan, or MFTP, to the list of possible cuts. This would cancel many route changes that were supposed to be implemented in November of last year. Those changes are already delayed due to staff shortages.
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Alec Gallant
Alec Gallant (They/Them) is currently pursuing a four year Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) degree with a minor in Creative Writing. They are...
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