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Province gives $300,000 for clean energy projects on eastern mainland

Antigonish and Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation will receive funding to contribute to a green future

3 min read
A man stands at a podium, addressing a crowd of onlookers.
caption Antigonish deputy mayor Willie Cormier says the town is making investments to reduce its greenhouse emissions.
Communications Nova Scotia

The province is committing $300,000 to help Antigonish and St. Francis Xavier University explore a community district energy system.

The project would replace the university’s central heating plant with greener and more sustainable forms of energy. The study will also help the community develop a solar garden and do energy efficiency upgrades to current systems.

In a statement to The Signal, deputy mayor Willie Cormier recognized the importance of this funding for the community’s goals.

The study, he said, would provide needed data to advance the town’s sustainability efforts.

“This initiative, fuelled by our commitment to combat climate change, will see us marking a significant stride towards our goal of becoming Canada’s first net-zero community,” he said.

Agriculture Minister Greg Morrow, MLA for Guysborough-Tracadie, announced the funding on Tuesday at a news conference at Bayside Travel Centre in Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation.

A man stands at a podium while speaking.
caption Greg Morrow, MLA for Guysborough-Tracadie and Minister of Agriculture, announced the funding on Tuesday.
Communications Nova Scotia

The Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation will receive $77,382 to explore a second project — a study examining ways to supply its residents with solar energy.

Both communities will use the funding to help meet goals of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.

In the province’s announcement, Juanita Spencer, CEO of Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities, said the projects can have a positive impact that lasts generations.

“The projects announced today will lead to studies that will help make informed decisions on renewable energy resources, the development of a community solar garden, energy efficiency upgrades and more.”

The Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund provides provincial grants to local climate change projects. The grant can cover up to 80 per cent of the project’s costs if eligible, to a maximum of $1 million. It was started in October 2021 as part of the provincial government’s Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act.

Funding is available for municipalities, First Nations bands and tribal councils, post-secondary institutions and non-profit organizations in Nova Scotia. 

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Landon Morris

Landon Morris is a journalist from Cape Breton. He specializes in arts and entertainment with a focus on music journalism.

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