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Skip page 1.The duty to investigate
How investigative journalists helped hold police accountable during a Nova Scotia tragedy
Arlene McLean: 22-year-old mystery solved
Death of missing Eastern Passage woman was not a homicide
2(b) or not 2(b)
It’s time to stand up for journalists’ right to cover and the public’s right to know
Moral Injury? Never heard of it.
Why don’t journalists know when they are suffering from a moral injury?
Halifax police board to review cops’ communication policies
Board to consider policies for Halifax Regional Police and RCMP
Need for speed: Stunting charges up in HRM and across Nova Scotia
Most motorists driving 50km/h or more over speed limit are young men
Nova Scotia mass shooter’s common-law spouse ‘re-victimized’ by RCMP, experts say
Lisa Banfield facing charges after enduring intimate-partner violence