Numbers Game: Video lottery keeps on spinning, and Nova Scotians keep on getting hurt

A person plays a VLT Erik McLean, Unsplash
In this Series:
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Skip page 1.Near misses and big losses: VLTs still hook players and reel in millions
One in 10 Nova Scotia players in the most serious problem gambling category
Numbers Game: Video lottery keeps on spinning, and Nova Scotians keep on getting hurt
More than 30 years after being introduced, the "crack cocaine of gambling" is alive and well
Strategy to get rid of damaging VLTs has only retired one in 10 since 2012
Despite "attrition" policy, many VLTs remain in service, even when bars close their doors
One after another, the Atlantic provinces passed laws to shield Atlantic Lotto from VLT players
Class action lawsuits and punitive damages banned retroactively to early 1990s
The obstacles to curing Nova Scotia’s VLT addiction
Once extreme public concern has faded, even though damage from the machines is still acute